Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer collect the weak magnetic field sensors of frequency and energy from human body through the hand grip sensor. Through the instrument magnifies and the computer processing ,compare with the disease set up inside the instrument install and standard quantum resonance spectrum, use the Fourier analysis method analysis if the sample wave pattern become chaotic.According to the results, make an analytic judgment for the person in state of health and primal problem, and put forward the standard advice for preventive treatment.
Applications of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer
1, Health practitioners: Family doctors, acupuncturists, nutritional therapists, reflexologies, alternative, naturopathic and holistic practitioners, etc.
2, Members of the Spa and Wellness Industry.
3, Corporations and communities who would like to have a general health assessment of their employees or members without the need to expensive work ups (even before they become grossly ill and in need of hospitalization or expensive medications).
4,Companies that produce or sell health products.
5,Families who want to monitor the health condition of their members
How to Use Quantum resonance magnetic analyzer ?
1. Install software into your testing PC
2. Connecting the device with testing PC with USB cable, put the hand sensor on the device then put on USBkey into PC
3. Open the software, hold on hand senor then you can start doing test
4. The testing will end about 2 min later, then click the button of “save”, the reports will save at your pointed place.