Principle of the Bioplasm-NLS Health Analyzer
The Bioplasm-NLS health analyzer operates on the principles of light waves and sonar, which are transmitted through the eardrum into the brain. These electromagnetic waves are then fed back to a computer for analysis. The device compares this feedback with an extensive database to determine the current, past, and future health status of the detected organs over the next 3 to 5 years.
This comprehensive database was developed by renowned scientists from the former Soviet Union and the United States over 35 years, with an investment of tens of billions in national research funds. It includes data from various demographics such as different sexes, ages, races, diseases, and clinical conditions.
The Bioplasm-NLS encompasses various fields including:
Pathomorphology/Microbiology /Biochemistry/Immunology/Pharmacology/Organ Preparation/Nutraceuticals
Body detection function:
Detectable systemic 12 big systems,Hundreds of organs, glands, cell…, Thousands of diseases make predictive report, the whole body 120000 list ensure accurate detection.The customer can see their organs current and past, and future 3 to 5 years of health and organization cell vitality trend.